Agriculture Industry
The production and processing of crops and livestock often generates wastes that are difficult to handle, have detrimental environmental impacts if left untreated, and which have significant nutrient value when properly recycled. Anaerobic digestion of those waste products reduces environmental effects while generating a revenue stream.
From meat and dairy products, to grains and fruits, each wastewater type has a unique fingerprint that corresponds to the products and the methods used to treat it. SENTRY™ provides a real-time estimate of organic matter and can help production staff operate processing equipment to minimize losses and save on waste treatment costs.
During food processing operations where water is used in the preparation, blending, or clean-up operations, organic matter may be dissolved into the water. SENTRY™ is used to measure the impact of each successive step in the process, and will allow management staff to evaluate methods, materials, machinery and manpower. That evaluation can lead to improvements that reduce waste and increase profits.